Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cultural War

 We are not being paranoid when we affirm that there is a cultural war in progress, especially an antipathy toward Christianity and Christian values. Imagine the outcry, and violence, that would ensue if certain TV and radio commentators used the name of Mohammed the way they cavalierly use “Jesus Christ”, “for God’s sake”, and other profane uses of our Lord’s name. Atheist and agnostic groups are becoming increasingly vitriolic about the cross that was formed in the ruins of the trade center towers. They insist it must be removed. A battle is going on in a veterans’ cemetery in Texas against using the word “God” or any other word for the Deity. Even when a family requested a ceremony with the word “God” in it, the cemetery administration denied its use. How sordid can people get, to forbid mourners from receiving the only authentic comfort that can be given at a time of the loss of loved ones! Many previously unheard of and unacceptable restrictions have been made in the bogus name of separation of church and state. Someone should inform these objectors that there really is a difference between proper use of the name and concept “God” and the establishment of a particular church.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well said Bro of mine, well said. See where the atheist are filing suit to have a cross removed from Ground Zero? What are they so afraid of?
