Saturday, July 30, 2011

What about Justice?

Pastor’s Pen

God is a God of justice and mercy. If either quality is emphasized to the minimizing of the other, we get an unbiblical and distorted picture of what God is like. As Christians we are called to proclaim God’s justice and mercy. At best, these are partial and often misused and misunderstood. But we look forward to the time when we stand before God on Judgment Day and all wrongs will be made right and the partial made whole. A glaring example of injustice was the destruction of our Twin Towers with the death of nearly 3,000 people. Many believe the acquittal of Casey Marie Anthony to be an example of injustice, in the death of her two year old baby, Caley. It is hard to believe that a mother could go partying, get tattoo, and in other ways show a calloused disregard, even relief, in the death of her baby. The only consolation or comfort we can find in such tragedies is the assurance that our God will one great Day make all wrongs right. The day of mercy will be over and God’s justice will prevail. But “today is the day of salvation.” If you have not received God’s mercy in the forgiveness of your sins, ask Him now to come into your heart and life and be your Savior. The claims of justice were all fulfilled at the cross of Calvary. Your sins can be forgiven because justice was paid in full in Jesus’ death, His mercy provided in His resurrection.

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