Friday, December 9, 2011

The Jolly Season

" 'Tis the season to be jolly." You are, of course, familiar with that song expressing one of the lighter moods of Christmas. It is a "jolly time". It is a happy time, with family gatherings, exchanging gifts and tales, sharing memories and food. But much more than all that, it is a joyful time. Joy is the most profound, far-reaching of the positive moods of Christmas. The angel's message was that the good news is news of "great joy." Then, family, friends, and loved ones return to their homes. Toys break and wear out. We soon have our fill of even the best of food. The happiness and pleasures of Christmas are short-lived, and not fully satisfying even at their best. But joy - that's different! It is a fruit of the Spirit, so it is fully satisfying. Its presence doesn't depend on things that don't last or that lose their fascination. It has to do with the mysterious but real Presence of God. With the forgiveness of sins. With a life that never ends, in the Presence of a loving God. No wonder the angel could speak of great joy, which would be for all people! Hallelujah!

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