Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Shining Light

When we first come to Christ the Light of the World, we begin to notice how differently we see things. With His light now shining on everything, all of life looks different. Our values, issues of right and wrong, how we spend our time and money, how we think of others and treat others, what we do with our own body, whether we should cheat on that test, or keep quiet about that money we found. But what we may  not notice at first, is that while shining on life in general, that light is revealing something else - the blemishes on our won spirit! Self-centeredness, mean-spiritedness, greediness, lust, materialism, all show up like ugly blotches under a bright light. Run - don't walk - to your nearest prayer closet and confess it thoroughly to God and your loving Father will cleanse it from you with the precious blood of Christ.

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