Saturday, September 24, 2011

Changed From the Inside

Jesus is the eternal Word of God, the Logos, as the Greeks put it. A giant step forward in our spiritual growth occurs when we come to realize that Christianity is not just a set of propositions to be examined - not just a set of truth claims to consider - but the means by which the eternal transcendent God has chosen to reach out to humanity and establish a relationship with us. As we seriously study the Bible, the written Word of God, the depth and richness of life opens to us. We begin to see the possibilities that before were hidden, and purpose for living takes the place of emptiness, joy replaces despair, hope moves in where before dread and anxiety ruled. We find a richness of meaning never experienced before, and worship and praise become a joy. Our sense of self-importance gives way to the awesome majesty and glory of God. Though we can't produce these qualities by any amount of trying or thought on our own, we find them being produced by the Holy Spirit when we give Him the material to work on - the Word of God taking deep root within.

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