Monday, September 26, 2011

Mosh Pits in the Bible?

Ever notice how many "mosh pits" there are in the Gospels? Well, maybe not exactly mosh pits, but certainly crowds of people pushing and shoving to get closer to this One called Jesus. Sick people ran, if they were able, to receive His touch. If they couldn't get themselves there, they got friends to carry them to Him. If nothing else, they yelled and screamed above the noise and clamor of the crowd to get His attention. "Hey!" they screamed, "Heal me! Heal me! Help me!" And those who weren't sick scooted off in all directions to find friends and ailing Aunt Bertha and Uncle Harold so they could be healed. One thing could be counted on - Jesus could not go anywhere that people were, without stirring up pretty intense reactions. Whatever they were doing, people dropped it to rush to Jesus. And this same Jesus lives in you, if you know Him as Lord and Savior. Not just super-saints of some sort, but you! Does your life call attention, not to yourself, but to Jesus living in you? Do people sense in you a love, a compassion, a caring - and power of some unearthly kind to help them heal them, make them whole again? It's a beautiful, broken, wounded, hurting, fascinating, scary world out there. And Jesus in you is just the One to fix it!

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