Thursday, September 8, 2011

Defining a Clean Heart

"Create in me a clean heart", cried the Psalmist, "and renew a right spirit within me!" A clean heart is one that is being cleansed by Jesus' blood. It is a heart that does not have an easy toleration for sin, but is distressed by it, and confesses sins to God as soon as there is awareness of their presence. And God promises, "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins". A right spirit is one that is fixed upon God. It is optimistic and positive, not dwelling on the negative and hurtful. A right spirit is free from slander, gossip, criticism, and all the negative aspects of our human life. The Christian can be lifted above all the negative, and live in the glory of a life in God. Negative emotions are always losers. We lose when we permit them to gain control of us, and others lose because instead of our encouragement and example, they get from us the discouragement that negative emotions always produce. So make David's prayer yours today---tomorrow---always- "Create in me a clean heart" and live in the victory and cheerfulness of a spirit made right.

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