Saturday, September 24, 2011

Excellence in Christ

God calls us to excellence as His people. Sometimes our actions for God are inferior to our performance in the world of business, education, etc.  Excellence in all areas of life is the true Christian standard. "Bless this mess" is not acceptable! (Pastor's desk may be the exception!) Excellence is a certain style of life, manner of living, largeness of spirit, set of priorities, zest for quality. Every person has the God-given potential to attain excellence. It is the fulfillment of your potential, not a frenzied attempt to keep up with someone else. The drive for success by others' standards or expectations may give you ulcers or nightmares, but the standard in God's sight is to be doing His will in His way with what He has given you. Relax in Christ. But this does not mean sloppiness or carelessness in fulfilling the talents and gifts that are your by nature, or that have been given you as a special gift of God. "The early Christian church conquered because the Christians of those days out-thought, out-lived, and out-died the pagans." T. R. Glover

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