Monday, October 31, 2011

Security - Today and Always

This world is becoming an increasingly dangerous place in which to live, and its inhabitants are becoming increasingly vulnerable. New diseases have arisen that are debilitating and killing millions of people. New strands of bacteria have developed. Some of these are deadly, and some are immune to the antibiotic drugs that our scientists have developed. How badly people need the security and peace that is found in Christ alone! The securities of the world are being seen to be unsure at best, futile at worst. If you don't know Christ as your Lord and Savior, ask Him now for forgiveness of your sins and for eternal life. To change your lifestyle out of fear of AIDS or any other disease is not repentance of your sins. It is just prudence and common sense. But the diseases and dangers of the world may awaken you to the reality of your sins, and move you to trust in Christ as your Lord and Savior. This is eternal salvation.


It's amazing what can be accomplished when a person or a group decides it will be done. The human spirit itself is virtually indomitable when it pulls its resources together and goes with it. It finds resources it never knew it had. How much has been invented or discovered that we take for granted today, but it is only here by patient, courageous, dogged determination by someone who wouldn't give up! Besides the wheel, we think of electricity, the light bulb, modern miracles of medicine such as the MRI, the cat-scan, our manned rocket ships, etc., etc. If this is so of the human spirit, how much  more when the Spirit of God is the Primary Agent? We think of miraculous answers to prayer, mighty outpourings of revival, evangelistic movements that swept whole towns and cultures into the kingdom of God. Let's commit ourselves to God for the greatest work of His Spirit to hit this planet! Believe God for the impossible!

The Dicatomy of Strength and Weakness

God speaks of those who "in weakness were made strong." There was no greater weakness than for the Eternal God to be nailed helpless to a cross, hanging between heaven and earth. Yet in the greatest mystery of all time, that very weakness accomplished what nothing else could - the redemption of a lost world.
When we think of all the changed lives, and civilizations, and all that came from that cross, we realize how true are the words of the apostle Paul when he speaks of the "power of the cross!" It seems like those words don't belong together. We don't think of power in connection with a cross, but of the very epitome of weakness. But Christ's cross changed all that! The most powerful place in all the universe was that little hill outside Jerusalem where Christ died on a cross, and released such power that the world was never the same! That power is available for your life today.

First the need - then the prayer - then the miracle.

On Disagreeing Agreeably

Sometimes we Christians think it a terrible thing to disagree with each other. It really isn't. In fact, it's inevitable. How could a group of people of multiple backgrounds, different religious traditions, varying levels of education and experience, different genes and temperament, possibly agree on everything? Granted, sometimes the Holy Spirit brings an amazing unanimity to a group, and supernaturally solidifies our opinions, and it's wonderful when He does that. But that is a miracle, so by definition does not always obtain. The rest of the times, we Christians must be very forbearing and understanding, not campaigning to bring others to our opinions, but recognizing any of us could be wrong, and the others right! And if we are right, and the others wrong, that's OK too! In the last analysis, it is Jesus who is Lord, and things are never out of His control. And He can even take the errors of the others (or our errors) and use them for the good! Remember always, it is God's kingdom we are promoting. It is advanced by love, patience, understanding, forbearance, gentleness, faith. As we allow Him to develop these fruits in us, and live them in our daily lives and relationships, He will bless us together - even in our points of disagreement.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Expect Much!

It is no compliment to one to have little expected of him or her by the church, or by the Lord Himself. God expects much of us - everything we are and have! The greatest compliment anyone can give us - our teachers, our employers, our parents, our children, our church, the Lord - is to expect much of us. Let's expect much of each other at our church. We have so much to offer because God has created us with so much. Let's be great givers of - time, talent, money, ideas, labor, skill. And see God's kingdom extended as a result! And parents, expect much of your children. If you don't, you make them think they are not much, and have little to offer. Don't shame it out of them, or threaten or intimidate or bribe. But expect much of them, and it will be there.

By The Sweat of Your Brow

It seems that most things of value do not come easy in this world. God wasn't kidding when He told Adam that, from now on, what Adam - and humankind after him - accomplished would be "by the sweat of your brow." Food for the table, a house to live in, a car to drive, all come by way of copious "sweat." It really is no different in the Christian life. To be a person of prayer takes time and focus. To be one skilled in the Scriptures takes diligent digging into the Word - not just a "precious promise for today," but diligent, systematic, determined study of the Bible. Five minutes a day won't do it. The last thing we can afford to be superficial in is the reading and study of the Word God has committed to holy men of old to bring down to us today.

Friday, October 14, 2011

New Creation!

The Bible everywhere calls upon us human beings to become new creations. Ezekiel quoted God as promising; “I will give you a new heart.” (36:26) Jesus Declared, “You must be born again.” The apostle Paul affirmed, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ – new creation!” This is also different from the tiresome, grinding, despairing attempts to please God and reassure our conscience by our own efforts. Religion as such only reinforces the futility of human striving for a satisfying righteousness. Religion can change the appearance or outwardness of things, but leave untouched the depths of the human heart. Saying prayers, receiving baptism, communion, and other religious acts or good works may look good and impress others, may temporarily relieve feelings of guilt or inadequacy, but apart from the experience of a “new heart” and being “born again”, it all ultimately proves empty and futile. But a religious, fabricated life can be replaced by a deep, rich life with God. When one comes to a realization that religious ritual is empty without this new life, places ones trust implicitly and explicitly in God for His forgiveness and grace in Jesus Christ, religious rituals take on a new meaning and reality. Baptism is an open declaration and depiction of an old life buried and a new one begun. Communion (the Lord’s Supper, etc.) pictures receiving Jesus’ blood as atoning for ones’ sins, acts of kindness no longer serves to point to the doers’ goodness or generosity, but to the goodness of God from whom all good things come. Only Jesus has the power and resources to give us life that really is life. Turn from sin and self-dependence to Jesus, and you will see!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What is Love?

Doubtless the most daring assertion ever put into words is the statement, "God Is Love." We may take it for granted, or may never have really let it "sink in" to our hearts and minds because of its familiarity. If we really knew what this love meant, we would never again think of it with dry eyes. We were sinners, yet He loved us. Sinners- rebels-selfish-unclean-stubborn-yet God loved (and loves) us. God is not an all-powerful Being who happens to also love. God is by His very nature love. Everything else that is true of God is a quality or attribute of His love. God loves us, not because we are lovable, but because He is love. This love was so compelling and unrelenting that it took Him all the way to a painful violent cross. That is love that never quits! As someone put it, "I asked God how much He loves me, and He stretched His arms out and let them be nailed to a cross." That's love! Incomprehensible, unrelenting, pure, holy, unconditional love.

The Fight For Faith

The life of the Christian is essentially one of faith. We are saved by faith, i.e., by looking away from all other means of salvation to Christ alone. He died for us, and it is He who saves us on the basis of His death and resurrection. And this life is continued by faith. We momently appropriate by faith the blessings of the Christian life. His love, His joy, His peace, victory over sin, doubt , and meaninglessness, all come about as moment by moment, we receive them from Christ. This vigorous faith is not automatic. It is fought for, contended for, struggled for, against tremendous odds. The inclination of our won flesh, the fascination of the world, the machinations of the devil, all relentlessly oppose the deepening of our faith. But we have something greater, more powerful than all of this put together! We have the powerful Word of God, the Bible, as made alive and understandable to us by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. So our faith need not be weak and wavering. Spend much time in undistracted study and meditation in God's Word, erading it, thinking about it, memorizing it, applying it, until you live and breathe its purity, its passion, and its power. Then you can say to this mountain - whatever that mountain happens to be - "be removed and be cast into the sea" - and it shall be done!

Absolute Truth, Absolutely

For years, those in our academic settings have mocked the idea of absolute truth. Truth is supposedly little more than personal preference, so there is one truth for one person or culture, and a totally contrary or even contradictory truth for another person or culture. But a group of Christian apologists who are presenting the idea of absolute truth revealed by a personal God and found in Christ are finding that the attitude may be swinging back to acceptance of truth as absolute. One of that group, Os Guiness, claims "There is no strong post-Christian rival to the gospel. This is the greatest evangelistic opportunity the church has had in 500 years." Pray for ways to present the gospel to seekers for truth. It would be a shame to look back one day on a missed opportunity.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Creating Good Relationships

Good relationships don't just happen. They require hard and persistent work. Several factors are helpful in creating and maintaining good relationships. A sense of equality is important. Neither one taking charge or feeling her or she is in charge of the relationship, but each feeling equal to the other with a mutuality of respect and appreciation, is important. It is important to be aware of our angry outbursts, tears, fears, ultimatums, threats, leaving decision making to the other, then chiding them if the decision turns out to be wrong. These are some (and the list is long) of the ways we manipulate each other, or defend ourselves, in our relationships. But relationships built on the shaky ground can never be satisfying. Confessing our faults, insecurities, fears to each other and being mutually understanding and forgiving forges relationships that are satisfying and enduring.

Experiencing Faith

Christianity is a religion of experience. It comes as a result of faith, but what comes is experience. Our faith is not a separate, compartmentalized aspect of us, it affects our total life - emotions, will, values, knowledge, all are changed as a result of faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior. While the Bible encourages our experience of God, it also warns us that not all experience is of God. Unfortunately,  we have an enemy(Satan) who is able to produce experience. Beware of lying wonders. All great revivals were accompanied bizarre behavior, but the revivalists (Jonathan Edwards, e.g.) warned the people of their dangers, and to seek God, not particular experience. It's one thing for God to bring a holy laughter upon a congregation, it is quite another to try to work that congregation into a time of laughter. The former is a spontaneous work of the Spirit, the latter is a manipulation that seems to distract from the reason we are gathered. Enjoy God, and let Him do what He wants to do in our midst. But the apostolic example is to leave the manifestations to Him.

Just Who Do You Think You Are?

Just who do you think you are? Do you know who you are? Just what is the Christian identity? The Christian is one who has certain definitive beliefs that set him or her apart from other people. The belief that Jesus is eternal God become Man to die for us sinners, and that He rose from the dead, having paid the full penalty for our sins. Belief in the authority of Holy Scripture, i.e. the 66 books that we call our Bible. Belief that this life is not the end of our existence, but that we will live forever with God and with all those who through the ages have come to put their trust in Him as Lord and Savior. But these beliefs are not compartmentalized, i.e. set apart as a belief-system only, for they transform the total existence of the believer. And here is where we see the difference between true, biblical belief and belief that is merely credal, or head belief. The true changes the life radically - the other leaves it virtually untouched.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fruits of the Spirit

Paul tells us there are nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Paul uses the metaphor of fruit to paint a picture of the qualities of Christ's life as it works itself out in the character and relationships of His people. There are many people who don't know Christ as Lord who yet seemingly show many of these qualities. But only believers can consistently manifest these qualities, since they live as those whose eyes are opened to appreciate the beauty of God's holiness. And even in these believers, they don't manifest themselves perfectly, because we may let our own spirit rule at times instead of the Spirit of God. But how loving and full of joy and peace is that life that allows God to rule! Then the relationships can be those of patience and kindness and generosity, etc. Life like this is eminently worth-while!


Fire! Fire! God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” These were a few of the words written on a paper found penned on the inside of Blaze Pascal’s coat, after his death. While sitting in his living room he had an experience with the living God that he could only describe as fire. That experience transformed Pascal’s life. St. Thomas Aquinas had a similar experience while writing his famous Summa Theologica, a 13th century work still studied in Christian seminaries. St. Thomas never finished that great work. He said that after that experience of fire everything he has written seemed like straw. Yet his famous work has lasted for centuries! What that experience must have been! The good news is that however the Holy Spirit manifest Himself in any given experience, and any Christian’s life, it is radical (going to the roots) and transformative. Pascal and Aquinas are only two examples out of many that could be given. God wants us to look to Him and wait upon Him for His outpouring of blessing. It may or may not be an experience like that of Pascal and Aquinas. We are to look to God for the blessing He has for us, not for the blessing He has or had for others. Like the songwriter wrote, “Once it was blessing, now it is the Lord.”
Ask Him for His blessing of His presence and power, however He chooses to send it to you.