Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Fight For Faith

The life of the Christian is essentially one of faith. We are saved by faith, i.e., by looking away from all other means of salvation to Christ alone. He died for us, and it is He who saves us on the basis of His death and resurrection. And this life is continued by faith. We momently appropriate by faith the blessings of the Christian life. His love, His joy, His peace, victory over sin, doubt , and meaninglessness, all come about as moment by moment, we receive them from Christ. This vigorous faith is not automatic. It is fought for, contended for, struggled for, against tremendous odds. The inclination of our won flesh, the fascination of the world, the machinations of the devil, all relentlessly oppose the deepening of our faith. But we have something greater, more powerful than all of this put together! We have the powerful Word of God, the Bible, as made alive and understandable to us by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. So our faith need not be weak and wavering. Spend much time in undistracted study and meditation in God's Word, erading it, thinking about it, memorizing it, applying it, until you live and breathe its purity, its passion, and its power. Then you can say to this mountain - whatever that mountain happens to be - "be removed and be cast into the sea" - and it shall be done!

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