Monday, October 31, 2011

On Disagreeing Agreeably

Sometimes we Christians think it a terrible thing to disagree with each other. It really isn't. In fact, it's inevitable. How could a group of people of multiple backgrounds, different religious traditions, varying levels of education and experience, different genes and temperament, possibly agree on everything? Granted, sometimes the Holy Spirit brings an amazing unanimity to a group, and supernaturally solidifies our opinions, and it's wonderful when He does that. But that is a miracle, so by definition does not always obtain. The rest of the times, we Christians must be very forbearing and understanding, not campaigning to bring others to our opinions, but recognizing any of us could be wrong, and the others right! And if we are right, and the others wrong, that's OK too! In the last analysis, it is Jesus who is Lord, and things are never out of His control. And He can even take the errors of the others (or our errors) and use them for the good! Remember always, it is God's kingdom we are promoting. It is advanced by love, patience, understanding, forbearance, gentleness, faith. As we allow Him to develop these fruits in us, and live them in our daily lives and relationships, He will bless us together - even in our points of disagreement.

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