Thursday, October 13, 2011

What is Love?

Doubtless the most daring assertion ever put into words is the statement, "God Is Love." We may take it for granted, or may never have really let it "sink in" to our hearts and minds because of its familiarity. If we really knew what this love meant, we would never again think of it with dry eyes. We were sinners, yet He loved us. Sinners- rebels-selfish-unclean-stubborn-yet God loved (and loves) us. God is not an all-powerful Being who happens to also love. God is by His very nature love. Everything else that is true of God is a quality or attribute of His love. God loves us, not because we are lovable, but because He is love. This love was so compelling and unrelenting that it took Him all the way to a painful violent cross. That is love that never quits! As someone put it, "I asked God how much He loves me, and He stretched His arms out and let them be nailed to a cross." That's love! Incomprehensible, unrelenting, pure, holy, unconditional love.

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