Thursday, October 20, 2011

Expect Much!

It is no compliment to one to have little expected of him or her by the church, or by the Lord Himself. God expects much of us - everything we are and have! The greatest compliment anyone can give us - our teachers, our employers, our parents, our children, our church, the Lord - is to expect much of us. Let's expect much of each other at our church. We have so much to offer because God has created us with so much. Let's be great givers of - time, talent, money, ideas, labor, skill. And see God's kingdom extended as a result! And parents, expect much of your children. If you don't, you make them think they are not much, and have little to offer. Don't shame it out of them, or threaten or intimidate or bribe. But expect much of them, and it will be there.

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