Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just Who Do You Think You Are?

Just who do you think you are? Do you know who you are? Just what is the Christian identity? The Christian is one who has certain definitive beliefs that set him or her apart from other people. The belief that Jesus is eternal God become Man to die for us sinners, and that He rose from the dead, having paid the full penalty for our sins. Belief in the authority of Holy Scripture, i.e. the 66 books that we call our Bible. Belief that this life is not the end of our existence, but that we will live forever with God and with all those who through the ages have come to put their trust in Him as Lord and Savior. But these beliefs are not compartmentalized, i.e. set apart as a belief-system only, for they transform the total existence of the believer. And here is where we see the difference between true, biblical belief and belief that is merely credal, or head belief. The true changes the life radically - the other leaves it virtually untouched.

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