Saturday, October 8, 2011


Fire! Fire! God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” These were a few of the words written on a paper found penned on the inside of Blaze Pascal’s coat, after his death. While sitting in his living room he had an experience with the living God that he could only describe as fire. That experience transformed Pascal’s life. St. Thomas Aquinas had a similar experience while writing his famous Summa Theologica, a 13th century work still studied in Christian seminaries. St. Thomas never finished that great work. He said that after that experience of fire everything he has written seemed like straw. Yet his famous work has lasted for centuries! What that experience must have been! The good news is that however the Holy Spirit manifest Himself in any given experience, and any Christian’s life, it is radical (going to the roots) and transformative. Pascal and Aquinas are only two examples out of many that could be given. God wants us to look to Him and wait upon Him for His outpouring of blessing. It may or may not be an experience like that of Pascal and Aquinas. We are to look to God for the blessing He has for us, not for the blessing He has or had for others. Like the songwriter wrote, “Once it was blessing, now it is the Lord.”
Ask Him for His blessing of His presence and power, however He chooses to send it to you.

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