Saturday, August 27, 2011

Disaster May Come Your Way

Remember the infamous sniper case, among others, that have been solved. What, if anything, might we learn from this? Perhaps the incredible depths of evil that can exist in the human heart, for one. To derive pleasure from the stopping of a life, especially a human life, in this case lives, that caused no conceivable harm or disturbance to the killers, is simply beyond the comprehension of normal minds. So many people were deprived of the presence, love and companionship of a loved one! This, along with the World Trade Center Twin Towers, Columbine High School, the government building in Oklahoma, and numerous other murderous incidents in the last 10 years, stunningly reveal what a life out of God's control can do. Might it also inspire us to a new zeal to reach out in love, to our neighbors and co-workers with the gospel of Christ? Who knows whether a more diligent word of witness - one or more invitation to church - a more loving attitude toward a neighbor - might have made things be far different in one or more of these disasters.

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