Saturday, August 27, 2011

New Worldview Sighted

The new biotechnology of our day has become a total worldview for many people. It is a promising science and promises to make life easier, cure or mitigate many diseases, and add many years to our lifespan. But, as with all things in a fallen, finite world, it is not good without remainder. The remainder can be fatal to the Christian worldview, for it ends up sacrificing human dignity and spiritual value at the altar of physical and longevity. The new biotechnology assumes that we can smooth out all the rough edges of human nature, disposing of all that is infirm or bothersome, making ourselves completely at home in this world. This is a secular approach to bringing in the kingdom of God, an ersatz(substitute in an unworthy manner) Paradise, and has too many implications that can be destructive of Christian values. The lived-out and proclaimed "Jesus - is - Lord" life is the only thing that can replace the frenzied drive for immortality and wholeness. The drive for wholeness cannot be satisfied with any quantity of life, for the reach of natural desires always exceeds our grasp.

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