Monday, August 8, 2011

Three Beautiful Words

The three words, "I forgive you, " are the sweetest, most beautiful in any language. With these words - meant from the heart - broken relationships can start over.  Wives and husbands can start their marriage again. Children can come home. Brothers and sisters are reunited after years of avoiding each other. The employee can work for the "boss" again. But this is only a faint analogy of forgiveness by a holy God. God not only forgives, He forgets. He satisfies the guilty conscience by having paid for our sins. Though we will always regret that we ever offended this holy God whom we now love and serve, yet our conscience is clear and quiet. It is so, because He has made it so by His death on the cross. Thank God for what the cross means for our relationship to God - to each other - and even within ourselves.

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