Saturday, August 27, 2011

It's Not MY Fault!

This is an age that is famous for shifting responsibilities to another. People spill hot coffee on themselves and sue the one who sold it to them! Or get overweight by eating too much fast food and sue the fast food companies! A burglar gets hurt or shot while robbing a place and sues the owner! I guess our homes and places of business are to be kept burglar-friendly! The church must not get caught up in the buck-passing. Changing the world has been left up to each local church. We can't pass the buck to our favorite political party - or to the  mega-church in California or Texas. We - this church - are called to be a world-tranformer. Let's use every legitimate means at our disposal to carry out our Lord's commission. It matters if we fail - and there is no one to whom we can pass the buck. It is our responsibility.

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