Friday, August 19, 2011

How Should We Legislate Morality?

Any civilization needs God and belief in God, to survive. As someone sarcastically, but truthfully put it, "If chance be the father of all flesh, disaster is his rainbow in the sky, and when you hear 'state of emergency! Sniper kills ten! Troops on rampage! Bomb blasts school!' - It is but the sound of man worshiping his maker'." Morality is pretty hard to defend apart from God. Certain things can be legislated, but how to defend whose values and whose morality and whose justice should prevail is hard to consistently define and defend without the God of Holy Scripture. We are seeing this reality coming to the surface more and more in our country and all indications are that it will continue to do so. The moral law of God is reenacted in a nation in response to God and His law, and out of love for Him and fear of disregarding Him. If nothing else, simple self-interest should cause people to think about God, what He has to say to us, and what should our relationship to Him and His Word. This awareness in turn comes about as Christian people - those who have a personal relationship with Him, seek Him earnestly for an outpouring of His Spirit upon the Church, and upon our nation. Pray for revival among His people, and conviction and awareness among those who don't yet know Him.

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