Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Third Person

Jesus sent the third Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Spirit, to indwell the hearts of His followers, and to empower them for service. How much, how broadly, how deeply, do you allow the Holy Spirit to work in your life? What if he should suddenly leave? Honestly, would you notice the difference? Would you really know He was gone, or would things be any different anyway? And if He left our church, would we notice? This, of course, is not to suggest he would leave either the individual believer or the corporate believers, the church. But if He were withdrawn, would we be acutely aware of it? Or do we do things so much on our own that there would not be difference enough to notice? God intends that the Holy Spirit make a noticeable, tremendous difference, both in the life of the individual and of the church. He does so as we surrender our all to Him.

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