Monday, August 29, 2011

Made in God's Image

Because you are a person made in the image of the infinite, eternal God, you are a creature of more potential than you can possible realize. This is not a matter of pride, but of reality that honors God for the creative and all-powerful God that He is. It does nothing for your ego to realize the great potential that is within you. You had nothing to do with it! But you are responsible to this Creator God to develop to the fullest all that God has put in your spirit, soul, and body. Just as you could never imagine the tremendous tree that lies latent and resident in the acorn - or the array of colors and beauty within the dried up bulb- so it is beyond your imagination the skill, talent, powers, possibilities, that reside in you. Much of it will only be revealed in eternity. But don't miss the thrill of the discovery!

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