Saturday, August 13, 2011

Water Baptism

To be a community, a given number of people have certain things in common. It may be common experiences of life – grief over loss, celebration over gain or promotion, shared political ideas or goals, common religious beliefs and/or actions. One of the longest continuing communities is the one founded by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago – His church. One becomes a member of that community by faith in its living Founder. We don’t just follow His teachings – we follow Him, our living Lord. The outward symbol of membership in that community is water baptism. By going beneath the waters we picture our death and burial to self and the world. By coming up out of the water we picture our resurrection to new life as a new creation in Christ, and part of the new creation.  
 Next Sunday(8/21/2011) from 1:30 P.M. to about 5 P.M. the church is invited to gather at Pastor Shaw and Nancy’s home at 444 Seventh Ave. in Atlantic Highlands for this celebration of baptism. Any who have received Jesus as Savior but have not been baptized, speak to pastor about being baptized. If you are not sure about it, you may want to discuss it with the Pastor. Bring picnic fare as well, for we enjoy a picnic dinner with our baptisms. Bring all your friends, neighbors, long lost uncles and meet us there next Sunday.

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