Sunday, August 14, 2011

Faith or facts?

Faith does not mean ignoring facts. Indeed, faith and facts go hand in hand. Faith often defies fact, turns adverse facts into opportunity to show the power of faith. But it does not deny or ignore  fact. Before God's people Israel went into claim the land that God had promised them, they sent a fact-finding committee in to search out the land. Ten of those on that committee found the facts so formidable they fled before them. Two said, "Yes, those are the correct facts. But God is with us. We can take the land God has promised us. Let's go!" The rest is history. The land was taken, not without struggles, pain, and reversals. But it was taken. God is still with His people today. Our part is to find what God is blessing and be there! It is not, "Lord, bless what I am doing". But, "Lord, show me what and where you are blessing, and help me to be there."

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