Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Who IsThe Lord of Your Life?

Is Jesus Christ really the Lord of your life? There is a tendency in Christianity, at least contemporary American Christianity, to separate Jesus as Savior from Jesus as Lord. If this is possible, it is certainly not proper, nor does it give Jesus much credibility as truly a Savior. Jesus does not save us merely to give us a ticket to heaven. He saves us to create another outpost of His kingdom in an alien and lost world. He advances His kingdom as He finds people willing to claim Him wholeheartedly and relentlessly as Lord of their life. He is Lord of our time. If He is truly Lord, He sets the agenda of our life. We don't tell Him what we will do, we allow him to tell us. Otherwise, "Jesus is Lord" is less than an empty slogan. It is a mockery of Christianity. He is Lord of our activities. Not just rank pornography, but movies that cheapen sex and incite violence, could hardly be consistent with "Jesus is Lord". And even things good in themselves can be instruments of evil if done in excess, in the wrong way, or at the wrong time. If "Jesus is Lord" is true in each of our lives and in our church as a whole, we can be an effective instrument for advancing God's Kingdom in such a time as this. 

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