Friday, August 19, 2011

What's Happening?

What in the world is going on? Catastrophic debt and unemployment in the U.S., riots in London, and other cities in the U.K., economic disaster in Greece and other countries. Terrorism remains a universal threat. No country is safe from it. Genocide is a way of life in countries in Africa, where some tribes and nations are determined to exterminate others. We can’t help but wonder what will happen next and where. Granted, we have more access to disturbances worldwide, and that could account seemingly for a more troubled world, but even granting that, who can deny the increased vulnerability and viciousness of debate and security in our country and others? There seems little doubt that a tumultuous and somewhat terrifying times portrayed in the Bible, in the book of Revelation and other parts of inspired scripture is upon us.  Will things ever go back (or ahead) to the relatively quiet, peaceful times, say the 1950's? Every decade   has its fears and problems, for we live in a fallen world. The striving for place and power push people to trample others in their own selfish pursuits. But the present time seems unique in the sense of the universality of the tragic in every area of life. But our hope is a sure one in Christ. When all else fails, or at the very least, peace does not seem prevalent, we find that Christ and His everlasting, true nature does not and will not fail us when we lean on Him.

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