Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Power of the Cross

The cross where 2, 000 years ago, Jesus died, is still making history. People’s lives are being radically transformed for the good when they are confronted by that cross, and respond in faith and commitment. Think, for example, of babies in the Kara tribe in Ethiopia, who are considered by the tribes’ people as “mingi” – cursed- if their top teeth come in before their bottom teeth! According to the Elder’s law, the child must die or the whole tribe will be cursed. Several other events can also cause the baby to be “mingi”. So the baby is thrown into the bush or the river to die. But the cross of Jesus Christ is changing that. There are some Christians in the tribe and they have built an orphanage, to rescue and raise many of these children. This is not a rare occurrence; it is one of the more radical examples of the power of the cross. But to those who rejected its saving and transforming power, the cross has an equal negative effect. For example, atheist organizations are trying to get the cross that was formed by two steel beams in the destruction of the World Trade Center, removed from ground zero memorial. The complaints? They experience anxiety, depression, indigestion and other problems when they see that cross at the Ground Zero Memorial! What a negative testimony to the power of the cross! Being reminded of an event that occurred two thousand years ago can cause such deep distress today! If only the complainers would consider what could cause such violent reactions!

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